Leadership Recommendations 

One of the premiere strengths of Baptist polity is that we get to do “what seems good to the Holy Spirit and us” (Acts 15:28). This enables us to be more nimble and adaptive to challenges and change. But it’s vital that we all do our part to help our church thrive, that we may “let all things be done decently and in order” (1 Cor. 14:40). Review the various leadership roles for our church ministry. Submit a recommendation form after praying for our church, and nominating those in our congregation with gifts for leadership and service. Recommendations should be submitted by February 23. 

Helene Recovery Ministry

Since Hurricane Helene hit Asheville on September 27, 2024 and brought unknown devastation to our Western North Carolina region, First Baptist Church of Asheville has been a community hub, helping bring together resources, volunteerism, and support from far and wide to those who have been significantly affected. We have three primary ways we are helping with short-term and longer-term recovery:

(1) We have a weekly Free Market on Thursdays from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m., open to the whole community, to come shop for clothes, food, supplies, and personal hygiene items (at no cost), and to eat a hot meal around shared tables;

(2) We welcome donations from individuals, communities, and churches all across the country. From September-December 2024, we received over $150,000. As these funds have been growing, leaders in our congregation have been discerning the best ways to utilize each and every dollar. In January we awarded over $50,000 in disaster recovery grants, supporting members, friends, partner organizations, and residents in the region who we don’t yet know, but have the opportunity to help. We are also in the process of still accepting applications for a new Helene Counseling and Wellness Grant, hoping to provide support to children, families, and individuals who are working through stages of grief, trauma, and recovery;

(3) Beginning in February 2025, we will be hosting overnight groups who are doing disaster recovery work in our area. Work sites are coordinated through Baptists on Mission and overnight group stays are coordinated through the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship.

We have a long way to go with our recovery, and as a church, we are committed to embodying the resilient hope and love of Christ in all that we do. Find out more about these specific ministries, including how to volunteer in person or give a financial gift, by accessing the links below.