Leadership Selection 2020-21

Leadership Selection 2020-21

On behalf of the Leadership Selection Council, I would like to thank the congregation for their thoughtful participation in the recommendation process. After prayerful consideration, the LSC is proud to present to First Baptist for affirmation, these folks who have enthusiastically said “yes” to serving their church as deacons and ministry councils, and support committee members. Unless otherwise noted, these persons will begin 3-year terms on September 1, 2020. One Oak Committee members serve 5-year terms.

                                                                                   ~ Darlene Schleider, 2nd Vice Chair/Deacons


Bill Arledge
Cady Bell                      
Ben Boyd
Laura Bourne                      
Leesa Brandon             
Cliff Christian   
Woody Edney            
Nancy Flippen-Allen     
Marsha Lipe                 
Bill Parker                     
Christian Formation and Fellowship- Adults
Wayne Jewsbury
Elizabeth Roesch
Jessica Williams
Christian Formation and Fellowship – Children/Students
Susan Blackmon
Scott Bell 
Adrianne Cornett
Megan Hughes
Stephanie Stroupe
Congregational Worship
Jude Gotrich
Edward Pratt
Pat Woody
David Bourne
Molly Gorsuch
Allison Royal
Missions and Hands On Ministry
Mindy Flippen-Allen
Eddie Morgan
Joel Wiens
Child Development Center Committee
Clark Pennell
Savannah Schleider
Personnel Committee
Jess Chapman
Bobbi Short
Building and Grounds Committee
Keith Bamberger
Phil Kelley
Kathie Owings
Endowment Committee
Jamie Gorsuch
Carole Martin
Finance Committee
Mary Cunningham
Scott Hughes
Sharon Tabor
Bob Calhoun (2 year term)
One Oak Committee
Woody Bolinger
Church Clerk – Cornelia Garbee
Church Historian – Wayne Caldwell