Via Ecclesia Internship 2024-2025
What is Via Ecclesia?
via (Latin: way) + ecclesia (Greek: church) =
way of church
Via Ecclesia is a leadership development program at First Baptist Church of Asheville that immerses youth in the life of the church with an intense focus on servant leadership and community dynamics. Identified recipients will commit to one year of collaborative learning and intentional service beyond youth programs. The Via Ecclesia program has designed experiences of intergenerational ministry, theological reflections, peer learning and support, and pastoral mentoring and supervision.
Like the Via Karis that binds our community of faith together, Via Ecclesia is a living communal experience, with the holy and ambitious goal of producing fruit far beyond the precise dates of service. In an age when local churches experience certain forms of decline and reduction, this program seeks to propel energy into the younger generation in such a way that they should aspire to serve a local church across their lifetime.
The Via Ecclesia program begins in August 2024 and concludes in May 2025. Applications will be accepted from any high school students actively engaged with FBCA Youth Ministry.
Up to four (4) youth will be selected for this second program year, with an option for returning students to reapply for 2025. Identified recipients will form a fellowship that will stimulate peer learning and communal theological reflection. Interns will receive a stipend of $1,000 per semester for an expected hourly commitment of five (5) hours per week. A priority will be granted to students in the 2024-2025 junior and senior classes.
As a Via Ecclesia Intern the following commitments apply:
- Attend opening and closing VE retreats
- Attend one deacon meeting per semester
- Attend one auxiliary FBCA event per semester (CFL; AFTA)
- Attend monthly peer learning group for theological reflection
- Serve on the FBCA Servant Leadership Team
- Serve regularly in a role supporting Sunday worship such as greeter, usher, acolyte, choir member, sound technician, etc.
- Meet monthly with a deacon sponsor
- Meet monthly with a member of the youth ministerial staff
Join an FBCA ministry team or council
Read a designated book and provide a written reflection
We gladly welcome our 2024-25 Interns!
Christopher Bell
Focus Buildings and Grounds
As a senior in high school, I believe that my involvement in the church this upcoming school year will play a larger role than ever in determining my willingness and readiness to continue my faith journey going into college. Via Ecclesia will provide a great opportunity for me to enrich my faith and help me navigate the obstacles that will present themselves in the very near future. I find that serving in the church often leads to a greater sense of belonging and connection to the church. This deeper connection to the church has enhanced my sense of belonging to the church and, by extension, what I can learn and benefit from it.
TBA serves as Christopher’s deacon mentor.
Charlie Stowe
Focus Music & Technology
The reason I would like to be a part of the Via Ecclesia internship program is so that I can strengthen my commitment to the church community. I feel that it would be both beneficial to the church and myself if I were to take up this opportunity. I hope that this program will bring me closer to the community at the church and help me grow as a member of the congregation. The reason why the community is important to me is because of the kindness and
hospitality that everyone at the church has shown me over the time that I have spent there. I am grateful for the opportunities that the church has given me over the course of my life, and the
relationships I have built with the people there.
TBA serves as Charlie’s deacon mentor.
Sophia Stertz
Focus Teaching Children & Youth
Last year I did a communications focus and really loved it, but I think VE could be the perfect way to explore other possible career fields. I’ve pretty much always wanted to be a teacher. Since our church has a great children’s ministry program I would love to do more of a “teaching focus.” It would be amazing to experience the versatility of our programs and the different aspects of teaching, being able to watch others teach, getting the chance to teach, learning more about classroom management, writing lessons, and even just seeing what it is like to teach multiple different age groups. There are so many things I am curious about, and this program fits what I want to do. Leadership is and always has been a strong suit of mine, and I can’t pass up a chance to lead in such a strong youth and children’s program.”
TBA serves as Sophia’s deacon mentor.
Via Ecclesia Openings