The Art of Belonging
September 29: Pledge Sunday
“Giving to our church is not an obligation; it is love.”
Beverly Pennell
We invite you to prayerfully consider how you might join us as we embrace generosity to meet or exceed our 2025 budget needs and to commit financially to join in the dreams of this congregation in 2025 as we seek to love God and others in all we do. First Baptist Church of Asheville thrives through its open doors and welcoming hearts. We continue our almost century long invitation from this Sanctuary as we invite others into vibrant relationships with God and one another, to become the presence of Christ in and through the church. Keeping those doors open, our lights on, and our ministries and worship ongoing demand hands and feet, routines and rituals, and uncommonly gifted people. If you have not had the chance to make your financial commitment for 2025, we encourage you to contribute and join in the dreams of this congregation to love God and others in all we do.
Pledging the 2025 Budget
Turn in your pledge card by September 29. Plain and simple. We need to know where we stand as we finalize the 2025 budget.
Update your online giving plans, if applicable. You may have arranged a gift that rolls into 2025, but make that official by sending a pledge card or email to Wally Davids in our Finance Office. Every dollar counts.
Consider increasing your 2025 Pledge, if you have already pledged. In these uncertain financial times, doing so defines sacrificial giving. And you can always modify your pledge as the new year unfolds
Through sacrificial giving, we as a congregation can meet and likely exceed the financial needs of First Baptist Church of Asheville, now and in the future. Together, we can sustain and even expand the programs and outreach such as: Bible Study; First Shine Camps; Trips for our Youth; Mission Trips near and far; help for people in our community who are homeless; revitalized music programs for youth and children; and support for our incredible staff, whose talents and energy guide us on our journey of grace.
Yes, your kind gifts are certainly needed and appreciated. Remember that God created us as a caring and giving people. Giving is an act of worship. Giving doesn’t just help our friends in need; it empowers each of us, heart and soul. Giving is an essential part of the Beautiful Belonging we cherish.
~ Faithful Giving Ministry Team
Nurturing Generosity Along the Way of Grace
Giving generously at First Baptist Church of Asheville empowers unique expressions of God’s way in the world. Each dollar given, every hour shared, becomes living grace. Through the work of a ministry council in a new program, such as FirstShine Learning center, or a staff member visiting at the hospital bedside of a member or friend, generosity unfolds as divine gift. These acts of mercy enrich our lives and call us into a deeper living of Via Karis, our own way of grace.
Why we give . . .
The church has always depended on the generosity of its members to thrive. Yet, the church is more than a charity—it is an alternative economy in the world, by which the world may know what true community looks like. Just as the early church began by “selling their possessions and goods and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need” (Acts 2:24), so also our church seeks to embody this original, radical mission.
What we give . . .
Scripture presents diverse examples of faithful people sharing money and possessions. We ask members to give a tithe (10%) of their income to support our missions and ministries (Deut 12:5-6). Those experiencing economic hardship are invited to give what they are able. Gifts of every amount make a profound difference by building and sustaining out congregation’s authentic Christian witness.
Where our gifts go . . .
Our budget is a detailed expression of sacrificial love. Our gifts support: a bold and inspiring array of mission and ministries in Asheville and around the world; theological formation of all ages; our dedicated staff; and our beautiful Sanctuary and surrounding buildings, which are shared at little or no cost with our neighbors throughout the city and region.