Youth Ministry
Youth Ministry
Why Youth Ministry at First Baptist Church of Asheville?
Come and see for yourself. From those daunting days as a new seventh grader to those final moments as a high school senior, our youth group encourages thoughtful exploration of what it means to be a follower of Christ in a complex and divisive world. We embrace conversations that are open and respectful, ideas that are true to the identity and work of God, and lifestyles that show following Christ is a way of life, not just a system of belief.
Every youth who comes here has the potential to change the whole group, and God only knows what kind of difference that can make in our church and wider community. This is a unique place, gathering teens from public, private, charter, and home schools; unlike many groups that divide middle and high school students, we tend to keep the whole group together, knowing there is much to be gained from positive peer relationships and encouraging connections beyond one’s immediate grade.
All of our leaders and teachers within the youth ministry at First Baptist Church of Asheville uphold a covenantal approach based on the following six words: Authentic. Formative. Missional. Relational. Safe. Sustainable. Learn more about how our youth ministry is founded on these guiding words by reading the Youth Ministry Covenant.
Each week, youth gather for Koinonia, Agape, and Bible Study. Each season, youth venture out of Asheville for special retreats and camps, such as Caswell, Awanita, and Unidiversity. Discover more about these weekly youth gatherings and seasonal retreats and begin to imagine how you or your youth can engage with this community.
Youth Gatherings
Sunday Koinonia (Meets during the school year) (4th Floor, 5:00-6:15 p.m.) (Resumes Janaury 12)
Become fully connected to the youth group by making Koinonia a weekly experience. “Koinonia” is the Greek word used to describe the very first Christian communities in the New Testament. Koinonia happens at FBCA as we form small groups, share in activities, and wrestle with complex and critical issues of faith together.
Sunday Bible Study (4th Floor, 10:00 a.m.)
Youth are searching for meaningful studies of the Bible that are insightful, conversational, and relevant. Come deepen your knowledge and application of the Bible with a group of peers, and don’t forget to bring your questions.
On the Second Sunday of the month we have the opportunity to serve as greeters, worship leaders, and more. On the Second Sunday we will also enjoy breakfast together.
Asheville Youth Choir (Meets during the school year) (3:30 – 5:00 p.m. )
Every Sunday, grades 7-12 meet to practice with the Asheville Youth Choir. Contact our music ministry, Emily Floyd to get involved.
Youth Handbells (Meets during the school year) (MB306, 6:00-7:00 p.m.)
Every Wednesday, youth have the opportunity to be a part of a larger ensemble for the purposes of creating sacred music together. Youth Handbells: Contact our organist Tate Addis to get involved.
Seasonal Retreats
Fall Retreat
Enjoy the beauty of fall at Ridgehaven complete with access to a lake, campfires, hikes, 9 square, and some new group activities on site. Seventh graders will also be welcomed into the youth group through an encouraging rite of passage.
Spring Retreat
Celebrate the end of the year in the sand and the surf of Caswell Beach. We’ll enjoy thoughtful discussions, group games & challenges, and evening parties, as well as group affirmations and senior rites of passage.
Summer Camp
Unidiversity is a unique camp set on the campus of the Maryville College situated between the Great Smoky Mountains and Knoxville, T.N. Youth choose from a list of creative electives and seminars, attend thought-provoking worship sessions, and enjoy free time and recreation on the campus.
Via Eccelsia Intership
Via Ecclesia is a leadership development program at First Baptist Church of Asheville that immerses youth in the life of the church with an intense focus on servant leadership and community dynamics. Identified recipients will commit to one year of collaborative learning and intentional service beyond youth programs. The Via Ecclesia program has designed experiences of intergenerational ministry, theological reflections, peer learning and support, and pastoral mentoring and supervision.
Upcoming Events
Youth Led Worship: Sunday, February 23
Join us online to watch as the youth lead us in Worship this Sunday, April 18!
Second Sunday
Become fully connected to this community by making Koinonia a weekly experience. Koinonia is the Greek word used to describe the first Christian communities in the New Testament.
Unidiversity Youth Camp
Join us as we stay a week on the campus of Maryville College (TN) for a unique camp experience.
Class of 2024-2028 Puerto Rico Pilgrimage
Class of 2024-2028 Puerto Rico Pilgrimage June 17-22, 2025 Class of 2024-2028, we are branching out this summer for a week serving in Puerto Rico. Youth and leaders will have an experience filled with seeing our neighbors for their uniqueness made in the image of...
Recent Events
FBCA Youth Fall Retreat
Join us for a beautiful Fall Retreat at Ridge Haven in Brevard.
Youth Parent Meeting
All youth parents and guardians are invited to stop by the Commons immediately following worship for a brief overview of this year of ministry, including some new patterns of youth gatherings and an update on various ways to help provide support and leadership.
Youth Christmas Party 2024
Share the joy of Christmas with neighbors near and far through cards, crafts, and Christmas dinner kits as we engage in this intergenerational hands-on mission night.