Leadership Recommendations – Calling Our Friends to Lead

  • Click here for the Leadership Selection Guide
  • Click here for the online Recommendation form
  • Click here to download the Leadership Recommendation insert

Newer church members often ask me how our church operates, which allows me to describe the collaborative way we organize our congregational life. Some folks are surprised to discover that it’s “just us”—no bishops or presbyters, no directors or denominational hierarchies. In Baptist polity, the local congregation is responsible to and for itself.

One of the premiere strengths of this polity is that we get to do “what seems good to the Holy Spirit and us” (Acts 15:28). This enables us to be more nimble and adaptive to challenges and change. But it’s vital that we all do our part to help our church thrive, that we may “let all things be done decently and in order” (1 Cor. 14:40).

I invite you to submit this form after praying for our church and nominating those in our congregation with gifts for leadership and service. Whose faith do you admire? Who strikes you as having a steady presence and strong character? Who makes you proud?

Write down their names. We need their help. After all, it’s just us. But what seems good to the Holy Spirit and us has always been more than enough to be a compelling, adventurous, and faithful church.