Practicing Shalom in the Time of Climate Change

Wednesdays, April 24 – May 15
6:00 p.m. in the Chapel

April 24 – “Living in this time of Climate Change”
Deke Arndt, Chief, Monitoring Branch,
National Center for Environmental Information, NOAA
From his experience as climate scientist with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Deke will speak to us about the recent report from the National Climate Assessment, helping us understand major points of interest. Additionally, he will speak to conditions we might expect in the Southeastern US with regard to climate change. We are fortunate to have Deke share his scientific expertise with us.

May 1 – “Practicing Shalom in Climate Change”
Rev. Nancy Sehested, Co-pastor, Circle of Mercy Congregation
Nancy will lead us in an exploration of the relationship between our faith and climate change. What can we glean from our Scriptures that speak to this issue? How are we then called to respond?

May 8 – “Asheville Responds”
A Panel of Local Leaders:
Sophie Mullinax, Blue Horizons Project, Coordinator
Dawn Chavez, Asheville Greenworks, Director
Scott Hardin-Nieri, Mountain True, Director of Creation Care Alliance
From these community leaders, we will learn of their efforts in Asheville and Buncombe County to mitigate climate change. Additionally, they will help us know ways we can participate with them or on an individual basis to make a positive difference in combating climate change.

May 15 – “First Baptist Responds”
Dr. Mack Dennis, Pastor
Mack will give an overview of ways our church has already taken steps to reduce our energy consumption and live more sustainably. Where do we go from here? Mack will share ideas that are being explored and visions for our future of ways we can help as we live in this time of climate change.

Sponsored by the FBCA Creation Care Team and Creation Care Alliance of Western North Carolina