Children’s Ministry
Children’s Ministry
First Baptist Church of Asheville is committed to encouraging children to know and follow Jesus and learn to become like him. We believe it is important to lay firm foundations early in the spiritual life of children and to journey with them as their faith develops and grows throughout their lives.
Understanding that our faith journeys are always works in progress, we offer intentional and thoughtful experiences and learning opportunities through our Children’s Ministry. We also seek to give families tools that can be used outside of church to help their families grow in faith and love. It is our hope that every child and every family member will experience and know the abundant love and life God offers to us.
Please contact Amy Stertz at 828.252.4781 for more information.

Our Preschool ministry serves children from birth through kindergarten.
Sunday Mornings
Bible Study 9:45 – 10:45 a.m.
Our children will grow in faith through captivating stories, fun activities, and loving relationships. We have four classes: infants, toddlers, 2 & 3 year olds, and 4 & 5 year olds. Our preschool classes meet on the second and third floors of the Children’s Building. Every first Sunday our preschoolers begin their Bible Study time by making a joyful noise with instruments and learning songs.
Worship Care 11:00 – 12:00
Children remain in their classrooms during worship where they are cared for by loving adults.
Agape Kids 6:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Agape Kids is a time for preschoolers (age 3 – kindergarten) to participate in missions, faith development, and worship. They meet in CB 303.
Childcare is provided for children under age 3.

Grade School
Our Grade School ministry serves children from 1st – 6th grade.
Sunday Mornings
Bible Study 9:45 – 10:45 a.m.
1st – 5th grade children gather in the Children’s Library (CB310) beginning at 9:35 a.m. for friendship, prayer, and to connect to the theme of the season. At 9:50 a.m. they are dismissed to their classes for Bible Study. 6th grade children have their own time of learning, sharing and Bible Study on Sundays.
Worship 11:00 a.m.
At First Baptist, we value intergenerational worship. Teaching children to worship is one of the most important things parents and the church family do. We invite children who are first grade and older to join their families in the service where they can experience the mystery and love of God while building relationships with those around them.
We have worship carts with crayons, children’s Bibles, worship bulletins, fidget toys, and more to help children engage in worship.
Agape Kids 6:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Agape Kids is a time for children (1st – 6th grade) to participate in missions, faith development, and worship. They meet in CB221. During the Lenten season, we will focus on spiritual practices during AgapeKids. We’ll begin the season with a lesson that will help understand Ash Wednesday and the season of Lent. The remaining weeks we will do prayer stations based on the Beatitudes found in Luke 6. We will pray for the poor, the hungry, those who weep, those who are left out, and peacemakers.
Each summer children from our church and community are invited to attend Via Karis Camp (K-5th grade), Discovery Camp (K-5th grade), PassportKids (3rd – 6th grade), and Advocacy Camp (2nd – 6th grade). Details for Summer 2023 will be available in the Spring!
Please contact Amy Stertz at 828.252.4781 for more information.